Nevin Johnson Splendidly shows off the Beauty of America

I love photographers that take you on an adventure. When you’re sat at home, snug under the covers, getting lost in a series of images that transport your mind to another part of the world; for me, there’s nothing quite like it. If you’re the type that enjoys a visual escapade, you’re in for a treat, as the photographer Nevin Johnson is about to take you on quite the ride.


Interpretation is a funny old thing. We often think a good photograph is one that delivers the message a photographer intends to send. That’s not quite true. Often, a photographer can show the viewer something they want to see, while it gives the creator a different vibe and experience. It’s why I love this craft so much.

When I came across Johnson’s work, I was in need of some adventure — his quality frames delivered. As I viewed his work I began to puzzle together who this person might be, and what he needs and wants from his photography. I quickly developed an idea that Johnson was an adrenaline junkie, someone who needs the fast pace of exploration to give him some sort of buzz, a feeling that’s larger than life. I was wrong.

Upon interviewing him, I started to understand that what was a wild adventure for me, was a total state of bliss for him. It made me realize there is no right and wrong when it comes to what emotions photographs generate. A good photograph is simply one that makes you feel, and that’s what Johnson’s skills helped create, feelings.

I’m happy he took a break from being the professional, the photographer, and the family man to speak with me. You’ll be happy too because Johnson has a cool story to share and equally cool photographs.


Them Frames: Hey Nevin, please can you begin by telling us about your day job and how it influences the way you make photographs?

Nevin Johnson: For my daily 9-5 I work for an electrical distributor in the commercial project sales department. Basically, I sell lights on a large scale for many of the biggest construction projects in the Philadelphia area. Funnily enough, learning all about lights has taught me about various properties of light which obviously transfers over nicely to my passion project, photography.

Them Frames: As you know a lot about light; what’s your favorite light to work with when you’re making photographs?

Nevin Johnson: Blue hour into sunrise. I get the deep colors before the sun comes up. Then I play with a much brighter color palette. I get the best of both worlds.


Them Frames: Your NFT photography is dope! Can you tell us about how you made the images, sharing some of your inspirations for the scenes and where they were made?

Nevin Johnson: I started my NFT photography journey with Borrowed Time, which is a collection shot entirely on expired film. The project pre-dated NFTs for me. It was almost a 2-year project encompassing many road trips and countless sunrises. From there, I've minted two series on FND with a handful of 1/1's. My subject matter varies, but one thing is for certain, I always look for light and color in all of my photographs.


Them Frames: You make a lot of work on the east coast. I think it’s fair to say it doesn’t get as much coverage as the west coast in terms of beauty, why do you think that is?

Nevin Johnson: I think the east coast is very underrated. There are not many jagged peaks or crazy coastlines like the west coast. From a landscape photography perspective, it can be tough. I took this as a challenge. To make others see just how beautiful it can be. It is my hope that those who do not live in an area stereotypically classified as beautiful can see my work and be inspired to make beautiful photos regardless of the location.


Them Frames: You like to use Kodak Portra 400VC. What is it about this roll of film that appeals to you?

Nevin Johnson: It was the first expired film stock that really hit the color palette I was looking for. The vivid colors within that stock really stand out to me. It is in short supply these days!


Them Frames: What type of emotional experience do you have when you go on your adventures and make photographs?

Nevin Johnson: When I go out on a photo trip it truly is therapeutic for me. To see how beautiful our world is, document it, and share it with the world is something I'll get out of bed for on a Saturday at 3 am every time. It is always worth the effort to me. Photography truly is my passion project.


Them Frames: Can you think of one moment, one environment where you’ve had your camera in your hand and just been in a state of total bliss, connected to your location and your craft? If so, where was it and why do you think you had that reaction?

Nevin Johnson: Pretty much every time there is a burner sunrise or sunset lol! One, in particular, stands out. Cape Cod sunrise this past May. The skyline was incredible, the moon was out. The color palette was sublime. I found myself creating compositions left and right. I was in a "flow state" if you will. All of the right elements were there, I just had to seize the moment.

Them Frames: Let’s talk community. Where in your life (online or not) do you get the biggest sense of community with your photography?

Nevin Johnson: It used to be the film community on Instagram, but this year the NFT space has been the biggest support network. Other photographers are, of course, a huge support, but I've met so many wonderful folks who just enjoy photography.

They are a part of my journey whether they are collectors or just admirers. I realize community is a buzzword in the space, but when you find those folks who are actually invested, you know you've found your crew.


Them Frames: At this moment in your photographic journey, what is your biggest inspiration to keep creating new work?

Nevin Johnson: Truthfully, my biggest motivation is to create work my son will be proud of. My wife and I just had him a month ago. Everything changed for me. One day soon, I'll take him with me on a sunrise walk and we will experience the bliss I get together. Down the road it is my hope he will be interested in it too. My work brings me so much joy, to share that with him would be a blessing. To then share that feeling with the world, man I get excited.

Them Frames: Finally, if you could finish this sentence: I need photography in my life because…

Nevin Johnson: “ brings me joy. It is my hope that the viewers of my photography feel even just an ounce of that joy.”

You can check out more work by Nevin Johnson by visiting his website, Twitter and Instagram. You can also check out his NFT photography on Superrare.

Want your work featured on Them Frames? Pitch us.

Dan Ginn

Dan Ginn is an Arts and Technology journalist specializing in photography and software products. He’s the former Arts & Culture Editor at The Phoblographer and has also featured in Buisness Insider, DPReview, DigitalTrends and more.

You can say hello to Dan via his website, Instagram and Twitter


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